Personalized Nutrition

Nutrition As Unique As You

Weight loss shouldn’t be a “one size fits all” approach – every person is unique in what their body needs to achieve their optimal weight and that’s where Metabolic Balance comes in.

This program is personalized completely to you using several different factors:

Metabolic Balance will help to improve gut function, reduce systemic inflammation and level out your blood glucose. The side effect of this? Losing weight!


At your first appointment, your coach will take notes on your medical history and will request a blood test. Your coach will provide everything you require to do this. All blood test results and data are compiled and analyzed at the Metabolic Balance® Institute where your personal nutrition plan will be created. Your coach will give you a copy of your plan and will fully explain all the stages necessary for you to reach your goal. Your coach will guide and support you the whole way through the program and will always be on hand to answer your questions.
We will send you to DynaLife for a blood draw of 36 different blood markers including a full lipid and thyroid panel. Your plan is then created into 4 Phases using whole foods; there are no shakes, pills, or other diet supplements. Your blood work depicts which foods will be best for you throughout your plan. Through the 4 Phases, you will reset your metabolism, improve gut function, reduce systemic inflammation, and level out blood glucose - the side effect of those improvements is losing weight!

Phase 1 - The preparation phase – starts the detoxification process and is key in preparing your metabolism for the next stage of the program. Phase 1 lasts for two days.

Phase 2.1 - The Strict Conversion phase lasts for a minimum of 14 days. No oils or treat meals.

Phase 2.2 - You will remain on this phase until you have reached your desired goal. During this phase your metabolism will slowly start to adjust and become more efficient. Oils are added back in, and you will have a treat meal once per week.

Phase 3 - The relaxed adjustment phase. During this phase you can begin to bring in additional foods to your daily meal plan. With your body's new heightened sense of awareness, you should instinctively know which foods are right for you. You can also now enjoy the occasional 'treat' meal or even enjoy a glass of wine. More importantly you will learn how to have a healthy approach to these special occasions. Your coach will continue to support you and monitor your progress during this phase.

Phase 4 - The maintenance phase is the final phase. Participants can stay on this phase for the rest of their lives by following the already familiar principles. Even at this stage you will be able to remain in contact with your coach.

If you eat animal protein (eggs, cheese, milk, yogurt, etc.) that's no problem at all. Unfortunately, a Metabolic Balance nutritional plan cannot be created for vegans.

Metabolic Balance attaches great importance to avoiding the yo-yo effect. We do this by:

  • Making your metabolism work optimally. This is the prerequisite for optimally burning energy.
  • Favouring a high-protein diet with a low glycemic load which helps prevent the yo-yo effect.
  • Getting you used to the "time afterwards" early on in the programme. This is done by carefully adding "new" food carbohydrates and seeing how it affects your body. If necessary, this can be reversed again.
  • Keeping to a few simple and practicable rules even after reaching your target weight.
No. Simply put, everything is allowed again, it's just a matter of quantity or how often you should eat certain foods. The idea of Metabolic Balance is that you learn and, above all, also find out what is good for you and what is not. Equipped with a few basic rules and strategies that you can learn from us; you should be able to more or less maintain your desired weight in the future and avoid a yo-yo effect.

This depends on gender, age, degree of excess weight, etc. and is extremely difficult to predict. Men (comparable to other parameters) often lose weight faster than women. You can expect to lose 1-2 kg (2-5lbs) per week. At the beginning this can be more, and as you approach the target weight, less. The speed is not the most important thing, rather that the pounds constantly tumble and that the end result is sustainable.

I want to add in some Success Stories here. Have a header “Metabolic Balance Success Stories” and add in the photos that are in this file.

Metabolic Balance Success Stories!